You can now listen to the fifth episode of the second season of “The untold history”, The Hispanic Council’s podcast to get to know great Spanish figures in the History of the United States. In this new episode we talk about Hernando de Soto.

When a North American of the early 20th century heard “De Soto”, he was likely thinking about a car, because Hernando de Soto ceded his name to an automobile company. Truth be told, there is much more to talk about Hernando de Soto than giving his name and face to an automaker of the 20th century.

His expeditionary baptism took place in 1523, when he accompanied Francisco Fernández de Córdoba to Nicaragua, founding the cities of Granada and Nueva León; he was named Major of the latter one. Only a few years later, he was a successful businessman and the partner of many freight and ship-building companies destined to the lucrative trade with Panamá. He was also a man of action, which forced his hand into the exploration of unknown lands.

You can listen to the second episode of the second season here:

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Listen on YouTube.
